What is Reiki?
What is Reiki? Reiki is healing energy. Reiki is all around you all the time. Reiki is within you, within me, and within that tree over there. Reiki is the energy of life. A reiki session involves using the practitioner's body as a vessel and the hands as a "spout" for the reiki energy to flow into you. Once the energy is within you, reiki will go where it is needed most. Reiki can be used to balance chakras, promote self-healing, and to relax in the midst of a stressful situation. Reiki practitioners do not actually do the healing. Reiki, itself doesn't heal. Reiki energy basically helps you vibrate in a way that promotes self-healing. Our bodies are designed with an amazing built-in self-healing (immune) system, that works wonders, if the conditions within your body are correct. When you receive a reiki treatment with me, be prepared to relax, in a BIG way. You will sit in a comfortable chair (for a quick treatment) or lie on a massage table (for standar...