Nine of Earth - Daily Reading
☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽ Thank you for allowing me to have some down time and alone time, so I can relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I have worked hard and come far on my path, and now I can pause to reflect on what I've learned and accomplished. ☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽ Prayerfirmation inspired by the ANGEL TAROT CARDS by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine ☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽☾☼✯♥☥☮✩☯✮∞✮✮✮∞✮☯✩☮☥♥✯☼☽ Join my Facebook group here: