
Showing posts from January, 2017

Set it and Forget it - Setting the Intention for Distance Reiki

There are many different ways to deliver Reiki to people. My absolute favorite is the hands-on treatment. I really enjoy the way my hands feel when Reiki flows through them. It's an extremely high-vibration, warm, and tingly feeling. Since hands-on treatments were the first things taught in the Reiki course, I associate the delivery of Reiki with the tingly hands. While giving distance Reiki, there are many ways to keep that 'tingly-handed' feeling , such as using a doll or a picture to represent the recipient. Sometimes, though, there might not be anything available to use, or the situation might require the intention to be set so the sender can move on. In a perfect world, we could sit for hours and meditate and send Reiki to all of those who need it, but honestly, we work, we have kids, and time doesn't always allow for such. One of my biggest strengths has always been finding the most efficient way to get things done, so I am going to share with you my fo...

Reiki, et al.

  OK, so here's where I am with distance Reiki. I was taught to set the intention for Reiki to flow for a certain period of time, given that either I have permission of the recipient or I claim the disclaimer 'for the highest good, if their higher self accepts....'  I'm typically backward in my processes and like to customize any 'procedures' to my own personal way of doing things, so this is where I am currently: I've decided to set the intention for Reiki to flow to a person or situation for as long as they need it and as often as they need it. Setting a specific time period seems so limiting. I feel that people will benefit more from Reiki if the energy flows to them in a way that is specific to them. One person might need an hour long session once a day, another person could benefit from having the energy flow for 15 minutes each hour. I feel that Reiki will know what the person needs and for how long, so I set the intention as such. The e...