Meditation of the Day for June 21, 2016

Today, two cards fell immediately out of the deck. Typically, when two cards fall out together, they have related meanings and it is easy for me to clearly see the message. Today's cards oppose each other, so I decided that before I make today's Meditation, I am going to type out the meanings of each card. You can read the meaning, as well as the Meditation, and resonate with the information how you will. I also looked up the 3-digit extension on the file name of the photo that I too, which was 602, and I will incorporate that as well.

Messages of hope, faith, and understanding and an indication that it is safe to make long-term plans are delivered with this card. We realize our purpose, realize that we have access to abundance, and are asked to remain faithful that all is possible if we manifest it.
Five of Air
Sometimes 'incorrect' choices are made, but there are lessons to be learned. It is possible that a change in course is necessary, and we may be surrounded with others whose motives do not match our own. Communication is the key to reviewing everyone's motives. We could feel powerless, due to the fact that we're unsure of our direction or heading in the wrong direction or feeling uneasy about the motives of others. "A lack of communication can create misunderstandings."
Angel Number meaning found here
The Angels recognize that you have been working toward your life purpose and you will be rewarded duly. Have faith and trust that the Universe and Angels support you.  It could also mean that someone new will enter your life that will benefit you in the long run. Be open to giving and receiving from others. Keep the faith and trust that life is good.

Meditation of the Day
Thank you for reminding me to keep the faith, rewarding my hard work, and giving me the ability to manifest what is important to me. Thank you for warning me to make wise decisions, to review the motives of those closest to me, and to keep the lines of communication open. Thank you for supporting me in fulfilling my life's purpose and for putting people in my path who will walk with me and with whom I can form mutually beneficial relationships.


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