Meditation/Prayer for May 20, 2016

Meditation/Prayer of the Day:

Thank you for helping me realize that I am the only one holding myself back in this situation. I am free to leave this situation at any time. Thank you for helping me release my fears, my addictions, and my need for worldly things, so that I may manifest all the things in life that really make me happy. Thank you for leading me to take time to myself so that I can align myself with the vibration of what I want in life. Thank you for providing me with the means to run my business (or insert your personal financial investment) and for allowing it to be successful.

Today, I sat down with the intention of pulling a card to share with the people of the blog. When I opened the box of cards, before I could even shuffle, two cards fell out. I look for personal meaning in every daily reading I post, but this one is screaming out into my face! Thank you angels for delivering messages to me and for guiding the people who need to hear this message to my blog.

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